Draft Logan City Planning Scheme 2014

Steve Crow UDIA conference (1)

On the 12th March 2014 the Urban Development Institute of Australia invited Gold Coast Logan members to a workshop event to help shed light on the Draft Logan Planning Scheme. The workshop was steered by a panel of industry experts and council leaders. Arnold Development Consultants’ (ADC) State Planning Manager Steve Crow was a panelist along with Steve Harrison  (past UDIA Gold Coast Logan President and now Harrison Development Group) and Todd Rohl (Deputy CEO of Logan City Council).

With more than 140 industry representatives in attendance the aim of the workshop was to explore the good, bad and the ugly of Logan’s new Planning Scheme at a critical time in its delivery process.

Here are some dot points of what Steve Crow had to say about the Draft Logan City Planning Scheme

(for the full presentation click here)



  •  Development industry love arguing about density; Draft Scheme proposes a different approach to density-   including matching density with lot size;
  • Potentially discouraging to multi-unit (townhouse) type development;
  • Most significant in terms of density is the use of “equivalent dwellings” and
  • Offers development opportunity in “new” Low density residential zone – tempered by PO1 and AO1 in the Multi-Dwelling Code



  • Offers development opportunity in “new” Low density residential zone – tempered by PO1 and AO1 in the Multi-Dwelling Code
  • Car parking rates have come under scrutiny in the DRAFT;
  • DRAFT rationalises car parking provision;
  • Within centres the rates have decreased noticeably!
  • For Multi-unit dwelling type activity the bedroom analysis has also seen a reduction come into play.
  • Local governments continue to miss a real opportunity.



Steve Crow UDIA conference

  • A single allotment containing two dwellings (either attached or detached) and for separate households (Mr & Mrs Smith in the front, Christine and her daughter Susan and pets Flixi, Toby and Fifi in the back). Two titles possible.



  • A single allotment containing two dwellings (a primary dwelling house for Mr & Mrs Smith, with an attached but subordinate/secondary dwelling – of between 70-100sqm- typically for Aunty Sue) (attached by a common wall, share a driveway and are owned by Mr Smith on one title).



  • An allotment which contains a primary dwelling house (for the Smiths) but also contains a subordinate/secondary dwelling (also between 70-100sqm). This may be occupied by the Smith’s overseas student friends. In this case, the secondary dwelling may or may not be attached. The secondary dwelling is still used in conjunction with the primary dwelling.