How does the City of Gold Coast Draft City Plan 2015 impact you?

The Gold Coast City Council has commenced a public discussion that will allow the community to voice their opinions on the City of the Gold Coast Draft City Plan 2015.

How will this impact you? The new Draft City Plan 2015 will provide you with the opportunity to seek expert advice, provide insight on the positives and negatives that the plan may have on your land or development and assistance with lodging a submission through the Gold Coast City Council.

With that in mind you may now be thinking, ‘well who should I contact?’ This is where Arnold Development Consultants (ADC) plays a vital role. ADC will be able offer advice, expertise and years of industry knowledge to be able to provide you with the answers you need.

To find out how this new Draft City Plan 2015 will affect you once it comes into force please feel free to contact our expert Town Planning team under the leadership of our State Planning Manager Steve Crow.  ADC’s Town Planning team can: review your property against the existing Town Plan and compare that with the new City plan 2015; advise whether or not you will be materially advantaged or disadvantaged by City Plan 2015; advise and co-ordinate the lodgement or delay in lodgement of a development application to maximise benefit to you; advise and/or coordinate a submission to Council on City plan 2015 if required prior to the 29th of July 2014.

Please keep in mind that submission dates are from the 17th June 2014 to the 29th July.  What are you waiting for? Give us a call today!