Gold Coast light rail clarification in Queensland

ADC calls on all tiers of Government to work together to ensure that the Gold Coast Light Rail is extended to connect to the Heavy Rail prior to the Commonwealth Games in 2018.

After conflicting reports in the media, Deputy Premier Jackie Trad has issued a statement clarifying that the project is yet to be finalised, approved or funded.

“We have provided in-principle support for the light-rail extension and are continuing to lobby the Local and Federal Governments for funding to enable the project to proceed”, the Deputy Premier Jackie Trad said.

The UDIA (Qld) welcomes the Queensland Government’s in-principle support for the light-rail extension.

This project will have clear benefits for our sector, tourism, the local economy, jobs and the productivity of the City of Gold Coast and indeed the entire South-East Queensland region. Improved access to public transport means greater access to jobs for locals and will encourage urban development along the light rail corridor. This project will also provide important linkages between the Gold Coast and Brisbane economies.

Stage Two of the light-rail project will connect Stage One (Southport-Broadbeach) to the current Brisbane to Gold Coast heavy rail line.

Please find ADC’s previous media realeases on this topic below;


Source: UDIA Queensland –