Key Considerations for Any Town Planning Project


Key Considerations for Any Town Planning Project

Town planning is an essential part of any property development, for both residential and commercial projects.

Whether you’re interested in building a new house, adding extensions onto your existing home, subdivision or constructing a commercial or retail property, you’ll need to consider town planning elements and how they may impact your project.

Consider engaging a professional town planner to help you prepare and submit reports, plans and permit applications, and consult with council and community members on your behalf. They’ll also offer expert advice and guide you through your project from start to finish.

Today we want to look at some key factors around the area of town planning that you’ll want to consider when moving forward with your project.

Who Do I Submit My Project Application to, and How?

Any time you plan to use or develop land you’ll need to have it approved by your relevant council, through a project application (sometimes called a proposal or submission)

When preparing an application for a development project, it’s best to talk to a council officer before you hand in your submission. This way, they’ll be able to advise you of all the information and permits you’ll need for your application, and you won’t need to waste time or money going back and forth.

Look up the council where your land or property is situated and get in touch with them about your development proposal.

What is the Council’s Stance on Development Projects?

Each council will have different councillors, and with different personalities and priorities there’s bound to be different attitudes towards development.

For example, some councils may be very focused on environmental sustainability and ensuring new developments have low environmental impact to the surrounding region. Others will focus more heavily upon economic or social outcomes for their region.

Do some research into your own council, as they will be approving your project’s proposal and deciding whether it goes ahead or not.

Are there Likely to be Any Objections from Neighbours or Community Groups?

Even though you think your project is a wonderful idea, and can think of a hundred reasons why it should go ahead, there may be someone who sees things differently. It may be your immediate neighbour, who thinks their daily life will be impacted, or a community group who have cultural, environmental or heritage links to the site that you may not have even considered.

Did you know that depending on the level of assessment, all members of the Queensland public are able to submit formal feedback on developments, to either support or oppose them?

If this happens, keep an open mind and listen to your town planner who can provide you with more information about objecting parties, and advise you on whether community consultation and engagement should be part of your project plan.

Arnold Development Consultants (ADC) are Queensland’s town planning experts, with over 50 years in the property development consulting industry. Contact ADC for more information about preparing your project plan for submission, or for professional advice and guidance.