A New Planning Act for Queensland

On Wednesday evening the 11th May the Queensland Parliament passed the Planning Act 2016, Planning and Environment Court Act 2016 and Planning (Consequential) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2016. It is expected that these new planning laws will commence in 12 months. ADC will keep you posted on the changes in the new act and exact timing as in formation comes to hand.

It’s Official – New Planning Laws to Commence in 12 Months

The package of Queensland planning reform bills was passed in parliament late Wednesday evening.

The new planning laws, compromising the Planning Act 2016, Planning and Environment Court Act 2016 and Planning (consequential) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2016, will commence on a date to be proclaimed, which is expected to be 12 months from today to accommodate critical change management.

The Bills were passed with extensive amendments made in response to the April 2016 recommendations of the Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee’s inquiry into the Planning Bills and in response to consultation on the supporting instruments.

On commencement, the news laws will replace the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 and the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009, subject to transitional arrangements.

Further to the information seminars we have already conducted on the Bills, we will be publishing a series of Developing InSight updates on the practical implications of the new laws, for both applicants and assessment managers.


Source: MinterEllison – Developing InSight update: It’s official. New planning laws to commence in 12 months.