ADC proud sponsors of UDIA Annual Developers Conference 2016 Brisbane

Each year, the Urban Development Institute of Australia holds a Developers Conference, during which time Queensland developers join forces to discuss the current year’s property development and urban planning themes, technologies and innovations. UDIA is a non-profit organisation based in Brisbane that helps to build communities through property development.

On Thursday 8th September, 2016, Arnold Development Consultants were a proud sponsor of the UDIA Conference at the Hotel Grand Chancellor Brisbane.

Our team held down the smoothie cart in an effort to continue our close relationship and sponsorship with UDIA QLD.

Not Just Urban Planning Specialists…

We were excited and honoured to run the smoothie cart for the 300+ delegates who wanted to wet their whistle and stay healthy throughout the conference. More than just urban planning specialists, our team blended together two tasty Arnold’s smoothies, both of which were very popular with the other developers.

For our two smoothie choices, we decided to give the people a bit of choice. The ‘Surveyor’ was a bit of green goodness—made with celery, spinach, apple, cucumber and banana, the perfect blend to boost immune systems as we brainstormed ideas on how to boost the economy through smart property development. And our ‘Planner’ Smoothie—a pink berry splash of banana, berry, coconut, watermelon and mint— was the perfect juice to sip on as we contemplated environmental sustainability.

Cheers to Many More Years of Support!

ADC looks forward to our continued support of the development industry through the UDIA. For more information about our role with UDIA or any of our services as developers, contact us in Brisbane today.