(Draft) South East Queensland Regional Plan

( http://www.dilgp.qld.gov.au/# )

South East Queensland (SEQ) has been subject to continued high levels of growth since the early 2000s and SEQ remains the pre-eminent economic, social and cultural hub of the State. The state government has been managing this growth via various growth management ‘tools and frameworks’ including the South East Queensland Regional Plan.

The first statutory Regional Plan for SEQ came into effect in 2005.  In response to changing circumstances and revised population forecasts the current regional plan further refined and modified the strategic directions, principles and policies that made up the original document.

The Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning has recently finalised a lengthy review of the current SEQ Regional Plan 2009–2031. This review has resulted in the development of the draft South East Queensland Regional Plan (Shaping SEQ).

Shaping SEQ provides an updated framework for managing the region’s growth over the next 25 years and sets a vision for the next 50. The document proposes policy directions and benchmarks to address expected growth. It also seeks to boost jobs growth across the region, with one of its key aims being the support of a region that is “smart, sustainable, compact, connected, safe and healthy for now and into the future”.

The development of the draft Plan has already included initial consultation with State and local governments and some key community interest groups and organisations – principally with respect to the region’s expected changing population, both in size (5.3 million people by 2041) and demographics. As a result, a series of background papers and technical notes have been developed to support the draft Plan.

The documents are now available for wider, ‘public consultation’. Formal submissions are invited on Shaping SEQ until midnight, Friday 3 March 2017.

With so many of our private sector development clients based in SEQ, Arnold Development Consultants (ADC) would be pleased to review the key elements of the draft Plan on behalf of any of our clients – with particular emphasis on your property and development related interests.

If this valuable strategic assessment service is something you think you would like to take advantage of (in order to ensure that your property/development interests are adequately and appropriately supported by the provisions of the draft Plan), please contact us immediately.

ADC’s team of professional town planners would be pleased to review the draft Plan and prepare a formal submission for lodgement on your behalf.

Contact: Steve Crow (Planning Manager) on 3333 1985.