Arnolds supports the approval of Adani Carmichael Coal Mine in the Galilee Basin

Arnolds supports the Department of Environments and Science (DES) decision to approve the Adani’s Groundwater Department Ecosystem Management Plan (GDEMP) yesterday. This is great news for the regions of Queensland and towns like Rockhampton & Townsville in terms of economic stimulus.

The Department of Environment and Science (DES) approved Adani’s Groundwater Department Ecosystem Management Plan (GDEMP) today (13 June 2019).

Adani submitted its most recent version of the plan, addressing the department’s feedback yesterday.

The GDEMP’s assessment has been rigorous and based on the best available science. DES and Adani have met regularly to ensure the plan is robust and provides the maximum environmental protection.

In assessing the plan, both Adani and DES took on board advice from CSIRO and Geoscience Australia – the same advice considered by the Commonwealth Government in approving an earlier version of the GDEMP in April this year.

DES sought further clarification and advice from CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, which it received on 7 June 2019.

Based on this advice, DES is satisfied that the GDEMP sufficiently establishes the main source aquifer of the springs as the Clematis Sandstone.

CSIRO and Geoscience Australia also confirmed that some level of uncertainty in geological and groundwater conceptual model always exists.

DES has required additional commitments from Adani to undertake further scientific work over the next two years, this is required to identify and potential contribution from other aquifers and strengthen the GDEMP.


Additional commitments in the approved GDEMP include:

  • Further work to improve the understanding of the source aquifers of springs in the locality, particularly the Doongmabulla Springs Complex, including;
    • Undertaking detailed hydrogeochemical analysis of groundwater and spring samples from different springs within each spring complex
    • Undertaking isotopic analysis (including noble, radioactive gases and strontium isotopes where isotopic analysis is not sufficient)
    • Examining core samples from new bored to attain a better understanding of hydraulic properties and provide detailed geological mapping
    • Incorporating air-borne electro-magnetic modelling undertaken by Geoscience Australia to improve hydrogeological understanding of the area
  • Using a bore in the Dunda Beds (also known as the Rewan Formation) as an early warning trigger for groundwater drawdown monitoring in the Carmichael River.


Rockhampton Regional Council explains the approval of the Adani Mine as a victory for the persistence of Adani, a victory for the regions of Queensland and a victory for common sense.

Rockhampton Council applauds Senator Matt Canavan for his courage and plain speaking in support of the Carmichael Mine and acknowledges Michelle Landry’s unfailing support for this project.

Although a significant proportion of the mine’s construction workers are guaranteed to come from the Rockhampton Regional Council area, initial workers will also be employed from a wider footprint and this will give a massive boost to the whole region.

“This is a whole of region celebration too, as there were always going to be a proportion of the initial construction jobs which came from outside either the Townsville or Rockhampton Regional Council areas” Mayor Sterlow said.


These articles were sourced from:

Victory for Adani:

GDEMP approved: