Developing in Queensland – Challenges and Opportunities

Tropical city Townsville, Queensland, North Australia aerial view

Infrastructure and developments that meet community needs are important for every aspect of modern life from supporting growth to improving productivity and resilience. However, Queensland’s unique climatic, demographic, economic and geographic characteristics present challenges for the sustainable delivery of quality developments and infrastructure.

Challenges and Opportunities in Statewide Population Growth

Queensland is facing a variety of formidable challenges. It is set for massive growth with a population of over 5 million that is steadily rising. The population of Brisbane is set to increase to 2.95 million by 2031 while Ipswich doubles in size to 520,000 residents by 2041. This would make it nearly the size of the Gold Coast. Towns like Logan and Moreton Bay are also projected to double their populations by 2031.

Massive suburban developments are expected to be major employers with 20,000 new jobs expected to be created in the Ripley Valley building boom. The region is also in the midst of a decade long population boom. A report commissioned by community developer Sekisui House reveals that the region is ramping up population growth at an average of 27.6 per cent per annum between 2016 and 2026. With this growth comes development opportunities and significant job creation for the region

Opportunities Related to Changes in Community Profile

Changes in demographics are creating new challenges and opportunities when it comes to infrastructure and new developments. This includes a growing and ageing population with an associated increasing demand for public services such as health, education and infrastructure.

Rising rents in some towns are generating an outward migration of local, low-income families and others who were unable to afford increased rent. This is reinforced by statistics regarding the number of households receiving government support payments in certain areas. As areas with formerly low populations start to grow, opportunities for new developments arise.

Climate Challenges

While opportunities for developments increase, Queensland’s extensive coastline and tropical climate remains increasingly vulnerable to the worst outcomes of climate change. Challenges include decreasing biodiversity, water and food scarcity and land degradation, as well as increasing demand driving a need for a global response for sustainable resource management

The entire state is effectively in a cyclone belt, prone to storm surges and intense rainfall events. The Brisbane flood in 2011 showed just how much havoc can be caused by the subtropical monsoon, amplified by warmer oceans and inland drought. Scientists from the University of Queensland warn that research shows a high likelihood of such events repeating. The necessity for environmentally friendly approaches to development is higher than ever.

Contact Arnolds for Town Planning Services

At Arnold Development Consultant, we are certified EnviroDevelopment professionals with a wealth of experience at the most demanding levels when it comes to strategic planning for developments. If you require any other services related to land surveying or town planning, please contact your local Arnolds regional office in Brisbane, Townsville, Rockhampton, or the Gold Coast.