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This 1970’s residential Gold Coast development was a Hooker Land Development project (now Australand). ADC’s involvement included Urban Design and Consulting Surveying for this project.
ADC are proud of their early involvement in Surveying this large commercial development. It is another Hooker land development (now Australand) one of the largest shopping centres in the southern hemisphere as well as an icon of the Gold Coast.
ADC sought and obtained a development permit for Material Change of Use (MCU) for the redevelopment of this prominent corner lot in the central Burleigh business/commercial precinct centred on James Street.
The development comprised a significant renovation of the existing building which has been standing for over forty years and now accommodates a few retail tenancies plus The Coffee Club on the very corner, at ground level.
ADC’s involvement with this prestige benchmark residential Gold Coast icon development was from the beginning. Hooker Land Development (now Australand) wing developed Paradise Water’s during the 1970’s and 80’s. ADC were central to Paradise Water’s Urban Design and Consulting Surveying, and are truly proud of this close association.
Once again ADC sought and obtained a development permit for a Material Change of Use (MCU) – this time for a double child care centre in Gold Coast.
This Hookers Land Development (now Australand) is a mixed residential and commercial real estate located in the heart of the Gold Coast. ADC’s 10 year involvement (1970-1980) in this benchmark development included Urban Design, Consulting Surveying and Civil Surveying services.
This Hookers Land Development (now Australand) is a mixed residential and commercial real estate located in the heart of the Gold Coast. ADC’s 30 year involvement (1971-2000) in this benchmark development included Urban Design, Consulting Surveying and Civil Surveying services.
An over 1000 lot residential estate developed during the 1980’s in Gold Coast. ADC were involved in the Consulting Surveying and Urban Design of this project.
This Australand Development (then Hookers) comprised of over 2000 residential lots in Gold Coast. ADC provided urban design expertise and acted as consulting surveyors for this project.
Partially in the flood plain of Merrimac/Carrara, this site was obviously constrained yet ADC still sought and obtained approval for a residential subdivision of 10 freehold allotments in Gold Coast. A Material Change of Use (MCU) Preliminary Approval for Attached Dwellings was also sought and obtained
This commercial development is another icon of the Gold Coast which ADC have been involved with. ADC handled all of the construction surveying of the Marine Stadium and lagoons. Also the monitoring of stability of existing attractions during the construction period, such as the corkscrew, roller coaster, Seaworld Nara Resort and the monorail.
ADC sought and obtained approval for this 36-lot residential subdivision on behalf of the Felix Group of Companies in Gold Coast. The 36 lots accommodate 58 fully designed dwellings of various types and sizes (detached, attached and apartments) which were subject of the Material Change of Use (MCU) component of the approval. This yield far exceeded the planning scheme prescription which is testament to ADC’s work but also reflective of the fact that the site is in close proximity to the Coomera Town Centre.
Hope Island is the largest man-made canal in Gold Coast Australia. It is approximately 4.2 kilometres long and 100m wide. ADC have been involved with this project from the outset (1995), handling all the land resumptions to make way for such a body of water, on behalf of the Gold Coast City Council (then known as Albert Shire). Currently, ADC are handling the town planning, land surveying consultancy (cadastral; construction), and urban design for numerous developments in Hope Island.
Waverley Estate is another Devine Ltd Estate situated on Waverley Drive in the section of Pimpama located west of the M1 highway and borders onto Hotham Creek Gold Coast. Devine Ltd received approval for the Estate in 2011 and commenced construction early this year. ADC has been appointed as Devine’s consulting Surveyors and has provided surveying services through the preconstruction phase to assist with the fine tuning of engineering design works. The Estate comprises approximately 350 residential allotments to be constructed over 6 stages. ADC looks forward to providing on time and hassle free surveying to Devine to see the successful completion of each stage of this estate.
A significant project in the future delivery of office space to the eastern Robina precinct in Gold Coast
, ADC sought and obtained approval for the Material Change of Use (MCU). The site was vacant and approval was obtained for over 2,000m2 of Gross Floor Area (GFA) despite the existence of significant (although occupied) office space in the precinct and despite the Planning Scheme prescribing this figure of 2,000m2 GFA as the maximum permissible for the entire precinct.
This is a Golding Contractors project situated at Gibson Island (near port of Brisbane). ADC were involved in the Construction Surveying for this project during 1998.
A Geotechnical Pre load Settlement project which ADC were involved in on behalf of Golding Contractors. ADC handled the Construction Surveying for this project during 1998.
This is an environmental Park Project in the heart of the Gold Coast Hinterland where ADC acted on behalf of the Gold Coast City Council, by preparing the Survey Plans for the Resumption of this Environmental Land. The survey involved the complex Reinstatement of Bonogin Creek via Creek Traverse, which had not been surveyed for over 100 years.
Is a quality small lot housing estate which was developed by Felix Associated Companies from 2002 to 2004. ADC in Gold Coast were involved in the Town Planning, Urban Design, Consulting Land Surveying and Civil Works Surveying of this project. The transformation of a farm with initially contaminated land (original cattle dip site) to a quality small lot housing estate is a great Re-development and Urban Design outcome.
ADC, on behalf of a nation-wide specialised developer of Aged Care facilities, sought and obtained Material Change of Use (MCU) approval for this 150-bed Aged Persons Accommodation. This development is strategically significant being that the Federal Department of Health & Ageing had identified a short-fall in the supply of such facilities on the southern end of the Gold Coast.
The ever- growing commercial and residential hub of the Gold Coast, is another area in which ADC have been involved in. Namely, “THIS Development” for Villa World Limited/MFS Diversified continues to utilise ADC’s Consulting Surveying and Construction Surveying services in the region.
ADC’s involvement in Seabreeze Estate specialized in Urban Design and Consulting Surveying for Stages 9 & 10 of this development.
Immediately adjacent to the boundary of the Coomera Town Centre Gold Coast, ADC on behalf of the Ingles Group sought and obtained approval for this 82-lot freehold residential subdivision with a Material Change of Use (MCU) component which over-rides the Planning Scheme and nominates attached dwellings (duplexes) as self assessable development. ADC created and obtained approval from Council for the estate’s own development codes with which future development of the estate needs to comply and accordingly this decreases the likelihood of future land owners having to seek time consumptive and costly further approvals from Council.
Alberi Park Estate is a Devine Ltd Estate located on the corner of Tallagandra Road and Teys Road in Holmview, West of Beenleigh. ADC was responsible for the consulting surveying services for stages 2A, 2B, 3 and 4 from 2007 until 2011 and comprised 175 residential allotments. This particular Development was initially approved by Gold Coast City Council as the land was within the Gold Coast City Council. However, mid development, the local authority administration boundaries were amended resulting in the development now being within the Logan City Council administration area. This created some bureaucratic inconsistencies that ADC assisted to overcome at the plan sealing stages. Upon completion of the land subdivision, ADC then assisted Devine Ltd with the ‘strata titling’ of the attached dwellings as they were constructed throughout the development.
Is a 134 Residential lot Estate which ADC have been involved with on behalf of Villa World Limited/MFS Diversified Group in Gold Coast. ADC’s Town Planning expertise enables the most effective results for this development.
Appointed by Logan City Council itself, ADC supplied Town Planning Consultancy services to the preparation of material to accommpany this Material Change of Use for Indoor Entertainment (Greenbank Boxing Club Training Facility).
Bordering the periphery of the Coomera Town Centre Gold Coast, ADC on behalf of Jotown International Pty Ltd are providing our Town Planning and Land Surveying Consultancy services to seek approval for and deliver this 77-lot freehold residential subdivision with a Material Change of Use (MCU) component which over-rides the Planning Scheme and nominates attached dwellings (duplexes) as self assessable development. ADC have created the estate’s own development codes with which future development of the estate needs to comply and accordingly this decreases the likelihood of future land owners having to seek time consumptive and costly further approvals from Council.
Arnold Development Consultants are providing strategic advice to Zilzie Land Corporation and Homecorp Group regarding the planning of this magnificent group of land holdings comprising over 300 hectares bordering the Great Barrier Marine Park slightly north of Rockhampton City. The estate currently houses several hundred residents and is home to an 18-hole golf course and multi-million dollar club house and event centre. ADC is advising on the future of the balance of the estate in the context of planning instruments such as the State Planning Policy for Coastal Protection and the forthcoming consolidated planning scheme for Rockhampton Regional Council.
On behalf of Heritage Pacific, Arnold Development Consultants are providing Urban Planning and Land Surveying services for the proposed development of a large holding towards the northern extent of the Calliope Township in Central Queensland, south of Gladstone. The estate will become home to more than 230 households and would represent a solid contribution to the task of rectifying a short-fall of housing in the area, an area so conveniently located relative to the employment opportunities of the mining activities prevalent throughout Central Queensland.
ADC are proud of it’s association with this development (1980-2005) in Gold Coast. Working on behalf of Neumann Development, ADC handled all of the Lots and Road Design (Urban Design), Town Planning and Construction Surveying on the later stages.
Kalimna is unique, due to its transformation from a hard rock quarry to a picturesque parkland setting. More than 190,000m3 of earth was moved around the site to recreate the natural undulation of the surrounding land. The challenge of this development was to completely rehabilitate the site from its harsh quarry environment to a parkland residential estate with an aesthetically attractive landscape in the Tallebudgera Valley . Neumann Contractors consider this environmentally friendly estate a success and the response from the public confirms this with all of the lots purchased shortly after release. A great deal of interest was generated in this development and that was largely due to its maintaining a semi-rural lifestyle while still in close proximity to beaches, schools and major shopping centres in Gold Coast.
This project is a relatively small-scale one which comprised simply seeking and obtaining approval from Council for the addition of a drive-through facility to the existing Subway restaurant.
“The Lakes” Another Neumann Developments Residential Estate which ADC were involved in during 2002 until the present time. ADC handled the Urban Design and Construction Surveying for developing the 28 lots.”
The Arcadia Woods Estate is a Devine Ltd Estate situated in Yawalpah Road, Pimpama Gold Coast. ADC was employed by Devine Ltd as the Consulting Surveyor for the entire Estate of 128 residential allotments over 3 stages. ADC’s involvement commenced with the original site topographical survey in 2007 and continues today when attached dwellings are being subdivided by ‘strata titling’ as they are constructed. This area of Pimpama is in the high growth area of the Gold Coast with several other significant developments taking place in the vicinity. The pace at which this estate was developed was remarkable and ADC’s involvement again showed our commitment to on time and hassle free service.
This development is a Devine Limited project in the Coomera growth corridor. ADC’s expertise in town planning and land surveying ensures the most successful outcome can be achieved.
Redevelopment of KFC Gladstone (2013)
79 Dawson Road, West Gladstone
As Consulting Town Planners, ADC were commissioned by Collins Foods Limited to seek approval for the redevelopment of its KFC store in Gladstone.
ADC are proud of our long history with the development of this key development area in Redbank Plains, Ipswich. ADC’s involvement was originally with the Ingles Group where ADC handled the preliminary site constraints analysis surveying, subdivision design, council negotiations, council development approval. Now ADC is handling all of the surveying for the attached built product (Duplexes and Terraces) for Devine Limited.
ADC sought and obtained approval from Mackay Regional Council of a residential subdivision in Freshwater Point, near Sarina, to the South of Mackay. Post-approval, ADC expert Land Surveying team then created the new blocks of land.
Arnold Development Consultants is very proud of its association with Westfield Holdings Limited and the Westfield North Lakes Shopping Centre. ADC carried out highly detailed and accurate surveys on the entire centre.
Arnold Development Consultants was successful in securing approval for a 1,000m2 indoor trampoline facility within an existing industrial premises in Logan City. In Logan City Council’s Planning Scheme, the use was classified as ‘Code Assessable’ development.
The proposed facilities cater for approximately 50 attendees on-site at any one time, and the Council had identified parking and attendee safety after-hours as significant issues.
Our client was working to a very tight timeline, and a rapid turn-around was paramount in their eyes.
ADC worked closely with both the applicant and Council officers to effectively address all relevant on-site issues and was able to secure an approval within 20 days following lodgement of the application.
If you wish to undertake a development on a site that requires a town planning application to be lodged (Code or Impact) ADC’s qualified town planning staff would be pleased to assist you in preparing and lodging your application, including liaising with Council, addressing on-site issues and coordinating the submission of all necessary material required by the Council in order to give you the best possible opportunity for an approval.
Arnold Development Consultants were successful in securing approval for a full-service gym facility on a site zoned “Industrial”. In the Planning Scheme for the former Sarina Shire, such uses are classified as Impact Assessable development.
The application arose as a result of a Show Cause Notice.
Initially our client had been advised by the Council that they were unlikely to gain approval. However, following the submission of a comprehensive development application by ADC, supported by additional professional traffic engineering advice, the use was approved by the Council.
ADC worked closely with the applicant to raise awareness of the facility within the local community. As a result, during the public advertising period, the application received over 250 submissions of support.
If you have received a ‘Show Cause’ Notice, ADC’s qualified town planning staff would be pleased to assist you in responding to the Notice, including coordinating the submission of all necessary material required by the Council in order to address the matters identified in the Notice.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam